Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The "Force" of Advertising

If I'm to start this blog in the right way, then nothing like to start with the BEST of advertising and this is clearly it.

This commercial caught my eye around a week ago and i couldn't contain my laughing with it. I can sincerely say that I've never seen a car commercial as good as this one which is inspired in "Star Wars". It is brilliant in  absolutely everything, starting with the discovery of this amazing little kid to play the role of "Darth Vader". He has an extraordinary body language especially with his hands and head that passes to the audience perfectly and hilariously his feelings of disappointment as he fails to move objects with the power of the "FORCE", the enormous focus as he passes by the dad, ignoring him and also the feeling of pure surprise as the father starts the car with the remote control while he thinks that it was him. Its fantastic how every element and scenario is extremely well used since each and every second of this ad generates a laugh and captures a with no doubt a huge attention from its viewers to the brand as they do this awesome commercial.

To conclude i just have to say that the idea of inspiring this ad in the classic "Star Wars" was genius from my perspective. It's just like watching a family guy episode when Stewie is "Darth Vader".. perfect for a good laugh!


  1. Aqui esta um anúncio inteligente, pegam numa faixa etária onde querem que chegue o produto e misturam algo muito conhecido do seu tempo mais jovem, tema esse em que tudo gira em volta do poder e do lado negro, fazendo do comprador um tipo "duro" e "mauzão", o sonho de qualquer totó que com o seu carro quer impressionar o mundo.. lol muito bom :D

  2. Smart and funny ;)

  3. Awesome advertising! I saw it before ;)

    When I read your post I immediately thought of my favorite ad. Where it is:

    Btw you should pretend as if you did not see the brand on the video title...

    And last but certainly not least... Congrats for your blog!! A place where creativity, ideas and knowledge are shared is always a place worth visiting ;)

  4. For starters I'd like to say: Thank you for the kind words and support as my first commentators :D. I hope that "we" can make this blog worth checking just once a day for some fun and interesting news complemented with all of your opinions and debates!
