Tuesday, May 31, 2011

If No One Advertises... Make Them!

Having difficulty to sell an advertising space? Your problems are now over, voilá! The best way to get the audience’s attention is to expose them to a threat. 

You know what they say, for complicated situations just come up with some creative solutions. Watch:

So, eventually Radio 2 bought the advertising space, avoiding the worst scenario. In my opinion the attention that they took for themselves by buying this spot was enormous. Now their name (Radio 2) is associated in people's minds as the ones who "saved" the city from the horror along with the benefit that the brand can be seen by all drivers as they pass trough and who knows... maybe they check it out.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hotwheels Monter Loop Outdoor

Who never played or simply doesn't know Hotwheels cars and its amazing tracks with phenomenal loops.. no one. It's a Classic! What a creative treat this is for our eyes, so bring up your child memories and look at this Outdoor made the Advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather.

However, there might be one or two things to point out. For example, the middle where the sky is painted. If the weather changes, then the color wont match and lets also hope that the other side of the board is also painted, just for realism. Despite that, wonderful work bringing the small world into the big world.

Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!

"How to Create a Country for dummies" by Nike

For those football lovers, i know you will enjoy this campaign and its enormous results. This is from 2010 but I've only found about it today. It's always great to see that amusing and creative things can be created when you have the power and will to do so and when i think about it, i sincerely can't remember any brand doing something like this and for that i have to say to Nike: Congratulations!

In 2010 the Brazilian soccer team Corinthians turned 100 years old. To pay tribute to its 30 million fans Nike launched this amazing integrated campaign. They created a fictional country called Republica Popular do Corinthians, which in number of inhabitants this ‘country’ is bigger then 150 other countries in the world. Nike created everything that a country needs to exist: legislation, custom identity cards, birth certificates, an embassy, a currency and even a president. 

The entire campaign was supported in the fan store and generated free media coverage worth $ 7.800.000, among with 1.200.000 mailing contacts for Nike. It was so successful that they might take the idea for other clubs in other country's. To better understand the situation check it out.

So, what do you have to say? I'm positive that know you're just eager to be apart of your own football country and who knows, maybe one of these days Nike might surprise you right there in your homeland.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Turkcell and its Brillian Twitter Campaign

It's been a while since the last post but I've been a little bit busy with some other work that ill talk about if i goes right ;)

However today is no different and i still don't have that much time. Still, I'll leave you here a campaign by Turkcell which was launching new smart phones with mobile internet and wanted to create awareness among the heavy internet users. I think the idea was very good and the results were fantastic as you can see in the video. It's another reminder of how fantastic these everyday communication tools are.

Hope to be back soon with much more time in my hands to bring you something great and more elaborate. Cheers!

Monday, May 23, 2011

15 Tips for a Good Facebook Marketing

I know, its another post regarding web based platforms but c'mon people its importance, like i said before is getting bigger every passing day. So, this time I'm going to show you some tips i found while i was doing some research.

According to Facebook's own statistics, people spend more than 700 billion minutes monthly on the platform. 

Therefore, it's essential for every company to explore the ways that their audience are using each social network. Its not all about Facebook, you also have Twitter for example but for this case lets keep it to one of them. Too many companies merely create a Facebook page and  randomly post information about their brands until they get bored and then leave it to gather dust for months at a time.
Every company needs to developed a clear Facebook Marketing strategy and then executed with precision. However attention. Facebook doesn't replace other forms of marketing but prospective customers are spending time somewhere and believe that lots of those minutes are on that specific platform like the statistic show. With this in mind, every company has to try and connect with those prospects, increasing this way the time they spend with their brands.

To that end, and since the article its huge, here goes the link for the article where you can see the 15 tips to better Facebook Marketing for your business. It's worth it, believe me: http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/2HTsOK/www.startupnation.com/business-articles/9680/1/facebook-marketing-15-ways.html

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Social Media Phenom

"Marketing Online" is a thematic of the most importance and that in most Marketing degrees its not talked about. However the phenom of Social Media is continua-sly growing and learning how to use web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue is becoming more essential each day especially for company's and their brands. With that in mind, yesterday i attended a very interesting and helpful workshop regarding those subjects (which i seriously recommend) by Bruno Silva, founder and manager of InnovMark.

So, what i truly want to share with all of you is this perfect example to illustrate the increasing power of the concept of Social Media and that every company by using the correct platforms carefully, has the possibility of getting extraordinary results  for extremely low costs:

A teenager from Sydney, Australia, was forced to cancel its own sweet 16 birthday party after 200 thousand people confirming their presence on Facebook. The girl announced her party on Facebook, asking some friends to warn other "KNOWN" friends about it since she didn't had the time to invite each one in person. After one day, the student was surprise as she saw that 20 thousand people had already accepted the invitation and that number kept going to 200 thousand till the day of her anniversary, even after the party was canceled.

The press reported that a group of hackers spread the news of the party like a virus. The young girl was able to celebrate her birthday in home with some police man surrounding the house to avoid incidents.

So there you go, amazing right? This particular case is about one little girl but the notoriety that her party got can be used by any brand for its products and just in case you don't believe me because of the proportions that this situation took, i leave you here with the link to for you to check it out: http://g1.globo.com/tecnologia/noticia/2011/03/jovem-cancela-festa-apos-200-mil-confirmarem-presenca-no-facebook.html

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Heineken - The Invite

Now here it is another fantastic way for a brand to increase sales and involve consumers and once again using Facebook as the platform. This idea is a student project which is related once again to the theme social media. The objective consists in creating a party event as soon as someone opens a bottle with a special bottle opener linked directly to Facebook. Its guaranteed that everyone will try for the pure fun of it and besides the one who gets the most responses to the event saying that their friends are attending will get a prize.. a whole case of Heineken for the next party ;)

I have to say that this project is genius, however the only remark i make is that this would be perfect if it only worked by opening Heineken caps, just to ensure that everyone would drink only Heineken beer instead of other brands. Perfect to sell more and involve the consumer with the brand.

I cant download the video here, however here is the link. Enjoy because the concept is really funny, especially for people of our age who like to party at least once a week: http://vimeo.com/23215772

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Latest Marketing Trend in 2011

For those who want to know all there is about Marketing today.

Let me tell you about the latest Marketing trend in 2011, which i read in an article this month and found it most interesting since we live in a world where social networks are getting more "power" each day. here goes a brief summary.

"Consumers are increasingly tapping into their networks of friends, fans, and followers to discover, discuss and purchase goods and services, in ever-more sophisticated ways. As a result, it's never been more important for brands to make sure they too have the F-FACTOR."

Consumption has always been social, meaning that  people have always been influenced by what others think and buy. The reason why the F-Factor is so important, is because it offers a more trustworthy, faster and interesting way (especially Facebook) for consumers to get information that will influence their purchasing decisions unlike the common platforms that consume more time and effort from "us".

With this said, here are 5 ways of the F-Factor influences consumption behavior:

1.  F-DISCOVERY: How consumers discover new products and services by relying on their social networks. People are curious and interested in what their friends and contacts think, do, read, etc. because often this will be similar to how they want to think, act and buy. No surprise then that consumers are embracing communities, tools and apps that allow them to dive into and discover selections from friends, fans, followers and so on.

2. F-RATED: How consumers will increasingly (and automatically) receive targeted ratings, recommendations and reviews from their social networks. Because while consumers sometimes enjoy finding the best of the best through discovery, they are increasingly able to access personalized recommendations and reviews on something they know they want to purchase through these growing platforms.

3.  F-FEEDBACK: How consumers can ask their friends and followers to improve and validate their buying decisions. Over the last decade, online reviews have greatly empowered consumers, however anonymous reviews aren’t always what consumers need or want; they can lack relevance and context. This is where F-FEEDBACK comes in, allowing consumers to actively display their purchasing intentions and reach out to their friends and contacts for personalized feedback.

4.  F-TOGETHER: How shopping is becoming increasingly social, even when consumers and their peers are not physically together. Consumers have strong incentives to share certain purchases, especially for F-FACTOR-friendly experiences such as buying event tickets. For example what’s not to like about automatically inviting friends to a concert or movie right after purchasing a ticket?

5.  F-ME: How consumers’ social networks are literally turned into products and services.

The F-FACTOR is about being so exceptional that consumers will find and ultimately choose you, without you as a brand having to do anything extra. It’s not about bribing or even compelling people to “Like” your Facebook page. This is something of course, which brands that truly have the F-FACTOR don’t have to worry about.

In conclusion, i found this most amazing and very useful for any company nowadays and that is the the main reason why i posted this. My intention is to show once again how social networks can be essential for any brand to succeed when used properly and not by just dumping random information about it. With strategy and effort this tool can make an exponential difference in the accomplishment of your objectives.

If you wish to check the whole article go to: http://trendwatching.com/trends/ffactor/

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Crossword "MagazineLuiza" by Ogilvy Brazil

I was really amazed with the simplicity of this advertising tool and how it got that much positive results. In this case I'm not here to talk about the ad itself, but actually about the particular tool that this company used to solve a problem. Many advertising campaigns or tools need a great financial muscle to show results, but here is something that with only 2330$ got to the eyes of more than one hundred thousand people. The step back of getting the attention of an elder target, more specifically retirees, was solved with a simple question in a square of a crossword game by "MagazineLuiza" in one of the most popular crossword magazines.

I have to agree that this was a great strategy by the company. With just one question, they are able to let everyone know the benefit that they offer "the splitting of payments up to 60x by retirees" and they also get to imprint the name "MagazineLuiza" in every ones minds, since who plays the game always gets to write it over and over again in each new edition of the crossword magazine. It shows that we don't always need to spend millions, some times research and out of the box thoughts will do the trick.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Wonders of Technology: Fiat Street Evo sign App

Wow, here we have another brilliant way for a brand to interact with the consumers. I saw this ad regarding the new Fiat Street Evo sign App and just had to share it with all of you.

This is a new app that turns your everyday traffic signs into an interactive way of learning about the new Fiat Evo features and also a way of winning prizes. You simply use a device like a Smartphone or something else that is able to run the app to read traffic signs through out the streets. Every sign as code inside of it and the app reads it, giving then different information. For example a Stop sign shows us details about the ABS breaking system, a Parking sign, details related to the parking senses of the car... you get the idea.

The response was amazing as you can see in the ad. Just in one week more than one million signs were spotted, meaning of course that the objective was successful. The car is out there and millions know about its existence and different features. I cant stop imagining dozens of people in each street just going all out for the signs, creating with this an awesome awareness as more and more probably joined once they understood the situation and its benefits.

It's incredible to watch how everyday something new pops out to the world in the most creative forms to attract and involve consumers as they undoubtedly have to be in the center of any company. I sincerely think that this campaign was out of the books and if it had arrived here in Portugal i would be for sure running around in Lisbon trying it out and having fun with it.

Congratulations Fiat for an outstanding job.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

First Job Interview

Let me tell you about my first job interview that occurred yesterday. There i was.. 18:30 at Toxinn, an agency that promotes events. I was applying to the spot of account that just opened. For my first job interview every i can honestly say that i wasn't that much nervous.. its all about attitude i say!

As they call my name, i go in and the interview starts with simple questions like every other does i suppose, but that's when out of nowhere they asked 3 positive and negative aspects about myself. Of course the positive ones were pretty easy to answer but damn those negative ones were quite hard! what are we suppose to say that wont compromise ourselves that much?!

Yes, i know its a common question to be asked in a situation like this, tho somehow i wasn't expecting and how i almost dropped the ball there but i kept my cool, gave it a little thought and answered something that unfortunately don't remember (post traumatic shock i guess).

Anyway, i think it went great overall and even if hadn't it was a great experience for the next one to come since ill go better prepared for sure as i know what to expect.

To conclude, ill leave the challenge, tell me.. what are the 3 negative aspects that you would say in a n interview? leave you creative response below.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Miss Evelyn in her Chevy Camaro

I was about to post another project of mine when i stumbled upon this amazing ad, so let's do that later and for now I'm going to show you this Chevy Camaro ad from this year with everyone's dream girl "Miss Evelyn".

Hmm, how about that, awesome right?

Who of you can say that never imagined a commercial for this or that? Its the perfect situation where consumers have the feeling of power as they influence every situation to their will or simply to just let your creativity fly free and create scenarios in which we all would love to be apart of on the weekends ;)

The ad is so well done in my opinion. The voices of the two guys appeal instantly to our inner child which is filled with creativity for the most absurd situations but at the same time the funniest. They play with a whole bunch of action scenarios that represent every boys dream when they are at the age of playing with toy cars adding that sensual and fantasy element "Miss Evelyn" since they are actual grownups. Another thing i think its essential for it to be so good, is how they argue trough the ad correcting each other in some situations as they get more and more excited for the big ending. This whole combination is brilliant to capture the attention of man in this particular situation but never putting the idea aside that anyone can imagine what ever they want, with who ever they please.

So, how do you imagine a commercial? "leave your creative response below" ;)

Portugal in the "SpotLight"

Lady's and gents i present you the best way to advertise our own country (in this case to Finland) and i say this with true patriotism!

For those who have lost fate in our proud nation (myself included), here you have it, the proof that we all have short memory and most times forget how this small country can sometimes be so big, standing side by side along with other "super nations". Unfortunately things we accomplish in the present like the most advanced science research centre in the field of health, don't seem to have the same impact as the ones from the past. Sadly our country is buried in to much "poo" for them to shine and with that in mind i have to say that the only things we are greatly recognized for is sports, mostly football. However, let us be proud of our ancestors and cherish the future generations in hope that they to will be able to make Portugal stand in the spotlight as it was once upon a time.

With that said i want to leave a review of the ad/presentation itself. I have to admit that before starting to watch it i was reluctant with the 6 min and a half of it but truth is, its very well made. Each second is filled with movement, passing from one image to another in the perfect amount of speed for the viewers never to get bored as it changes through the different situations that Portugal had and has made a standing. In that matter, if you read this before checking the vid... enjoy!

PS: Finns, you are welcome ;)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Soccer & NightLife Finally Team Up!

Since today is a busy day, ill leave you with this fantastic ad. Finally, every mans dream came true as Budweiser brought together two of our favorite things: soccer and nightlife! Yes, just for once let's leave women out of this.. or maybe not ;)

Amazing how Budweiser never fails to give us some minutes of high class entertainment. Wouldn't you like to go play? Enjoy!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Feet

Here it goes, the first logo I've done for the first brand and product I've ever created around two years ago in my Marketing, Ad, PR degree.

Let me start by talking a little bit about the Product. It's common sense that if we have our feet cold, then our whole body will get chilly and the other way around. With that in mind, I've came up with the idea of creating insoles that can control the temperature of your feet by heating up or cooling down a little. This will happen trough a Bluetooth device prompting the ability of raising or lowering the temperature with our own cellphone or even a tinny remote control. This way it would be undetectable as no one wants to take off his shoe every time a change is needed. To sum it all up, after analyzing the competition and lots of other things that I've learned through out my degree as i did more and more projects the name Happy Feet was "born" and with it its logo. I was very happy with it since when the time came for the the contest in my university, it clearly passed the correct message of happiness and comfort because of its design and colors accompanied by an enormous approval and congratulations from my teachers and fellow colleagues.

Note: I'd love to explain the whole project but i cant for obvious reasons ;)

There you go my first logo ever in its final stage (orange) and which i choose over this initial one (green) that I've created. Be my guest and please share your opinion of which is the coolest.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Playing the Game of Advertising

Let me tell you about one of the most spectacular ways of advertising I've seen in the last few days and which was topic of  a most interesting conversation with a friend and which made me want to write about it.


As a consumer i was quite amazed by it. It's new and elaborated, but yet quite easy to use and enjoy some minutes of entertainment while Magnum  advertises it self and at the same time smoothly advertises us other brands. It's a game where we play as a women, guiding her through a bunch of websites filled with lots of products from some brands like Samsung, Dove.. (i don't know how they are related to Magnum, but we can assume they are somehow) ending with us getting their latest ice cream. It's clear that nowadays company's can clearly get more and more attention from their target through social networks like Facebook and others. Although, only recently these platforms are being used to their true potential. What i mean is that only now, instead of pouring random information about the brands/products, companies are starting to correctly target that information to its consumers by putting them at the center of everything and placing themselves (the company) in their shoes, focusing on their perspective and giving them this way power to interact with the brands through the constant use of never ending new tools like we see in this case with a flash game. Something I'd like to also make note the aspect of the timer, creating a small competition and cleverly allowing an increase of notoriety by promoting the existence of this game as the players try to beat each others records. In sum, it all shows that with creativity not even the sky is the limit.

To conclude i want to say that my friend whom i mentioned before also wrote an article called "Social media - focusing on... the consumer" on his blog about this subject but more deeply.

The "Force" of Advertising

If I'm to start this blog in the right way, then nothing like to start with the BEST of advertising and this is clearly it.

This commercial caught my eye around a week ago and i couldn't contain my laughing with it. I can sincerely say that I've never seen a car commercial as good as this one which is inspired in "Star Wars". It is brilliant in  absolutely everything, starting with the discovery of this amazing little kid to play the role of "Darth Vader". He has an extraordinary body language especially with his hands and head that passes to the audience perfectly and hilariously his feelings of disappointment as he fails to move objects with the power of the "FORCE", the enormous focus as he passes by the dad, ignoring him and also the feeling of pure surprise as the father starts the car with the remote control while he thinks that it was him. Its fantastic how every element and scenario is extremely well used since each and every second of this ad generates a laugh and captures a with no doubt a huge attention from its viewers to the brand as they do this awesome commercial.

To conclude i just have to say that the idea of inspiring this ad in the classic "Star Wars" was genius from my perspective. It's just like watching a family guy episode when Stewie is "Darth Vader".. perfect for a good laugh!