Thursday, July 7, 2011

U.S. Air Force Ad: Epic Fail

How can i say this... Its one of the worst things i've seen lately, seriously.

For what i understood the objective of this ad is to recruit more people for the U.S Air Force, i cant get any other idea from it but COME ON! is this really the best you can do? 

Its a weak concept if you want to call it one, with and expected copy, which the try to hide by using lots of money in the production. In the end it appears to be a really lame cut-scene from a video game with very good effects. Nothing more, nothing less.

My reaction is due for two reasons. First my father works for the Air Force and so i have a great respect for it and to see this was shocking and second if the objective is to recruit this fails miserably since you don't understand the message nor you get impressed by any of that. Are they trying to say that the "Transformers" joined in to save the world with that plane? 

Pure science-fiction which i don't think its the way to go. I know its a hard thing to advertise but you really need to come up with something else.

Anyway, ill be looking forward for someone to identify that plane.. if you can.

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