"Marketing Online" is a thematic of the most importance and that in most Marketing degrees its not talked about. However the phenom of Social Media is continua-sly growing and learning how to use web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue is becoming more essential each day especially for company's and their brands. With that in mind, yesterday i attended a very interesting and helpful workshop regarding those subjects (which i seriously recommend) by Bruno Silva, founder and manager of InnovMark.
So, what i truly want to share with all of you is this perfect example to illustrate the increasing power of the concept of Social Media and that every company by using the correct platforms carefully, has the possibility of getting extraordinary results for extremely low costs:
A teenager from Sydney, Australia, was forced to cancel its own sweet 16 birthday party after 200 thousand people confirming their presence on Facebook. The girl announced her party on Facebook, asking some friends to warn other "KNOWN" friends about it since she didn't had the time to invite each one in person. After one day, the student was surprise as she saw that 20 thousand people had already accepted the invitation and that number kept going to 200 thousand till the day of her anniversary, even after the party was canceled.
The press reported that a group of hackers spread the news of the party like a virus. The young girl was able to celebrate her birthday in home with some police man surrounding the house to avoid incidents.
So there you go, amazing right? This particular case is about one little girl but the notoriety that her party got can be used by any brand for its products and just in case you don't believe me because of the proportions that this situation took, i leave you here with the link to for you to check it out: http://g1.globo.com/tecnologia/noticia/2011/03/jovem-cancela-festa-apos-200-mil-confirmarem-presenca-no-facebook.html
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