The U.S. presidential elections are approaching and with them, begin to appear the new strategic marketing genialities from President Barack Obama, candidate for reelection.
In 2008, Barack Obama and his PR and communication team were responsible for introducing innovative marketing tactics in politics that served later on as references for several candidates for public office.
In general, the strategies were focused on the Internet and other digital platforms. Not being different, the new wave of communication ideas to bring voters to the president, also a candidate, he will return to the digital world with new and important teachings.
The media reported this past weekend that Barack Obama is personally behind the posts made on his Twitter profile.
For some, this may not seem to mean much. However, pay attention to one thing:
After Barack Obama inspired thousands of politicians around the world and having them follow similar models of strategy in internet relationships, there is no denying that when it comes to communication, President Obama has an enormous potential of influence. In other words, this brilliant new strategy to position itself as a mentor in their Twitter tweets, can indeed be another marketing tactic for the world of politics that can become popular and bring results, not only in the United States.
As mentioned by several international means and also by the presidents PR team, from now on, all tweets from @ BarackObama that are signed with "BO" are written by Obama himself.
This new strategy is part of the political campaign that has already begun in the Democratic Party for the presidential election to be held in 2012.
Barack Obama will expose his personal views on various subjects, without having to go through his consultancy aides that were solely responsible fort that.
Now, Barack Obama will make a new school, teaching all politicians that humanization when communicating will increase the empathy of the voting public, focusing, more than ever, the more transparent candidates .